Fakultet političkih nauka, 22.04.2019

Raspored nastave - vježbe

Časovi planirani za 7. i 14. maj, održaće se u petak 3. maja, sa početkom u 8:30h u sali br. 5.

Za čas 3. maja potrebno je pročitati:

a) 13. Društveni pritisak i izlaznost (2) (07.05.2019)

- Mann, Christopher B. "Is there backlash to social pressure? A large-scale field experiment
on voter mobilization." Political Behavior 32.3 (2010): 387-407.

b) 14. Kako pojedinci glasaju? (14.05.2019)
- Iversen, Torben. "Political leadership and representation in West European democracies:
A test of three models of voting." American Journal of Political Science (1994): 45-74.

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