Pravni fakultet, 10.01.2018

Druga internacionalna studentska konferencija u aprilu

Druga internacionalna studentska konferencija „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“ koju organizuje Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore u saradnji sa Fakultetom za varnostne vede Univerziteta u Mariboru održaće se u periodu od 03. aprila do 05. aprila 2018. godine na Pravnom fakultetu UCG.

Na konferenciji će biti prezentirani rezultati istraživanja studenata u oblasti bezbjednosti na lokalnom nivou.

Ovoj značajnoj smotri znanja studenata prisustvovaće i prof. dr Andrej Sotlar, dekan Fakulteta za varnostne vede, Univerziteta u Mariboru i prof. dr Gorazd Meško, predsjednik Upravnog odbora Univerziteta u Mariboru i predsjednik Evropskog udruženja za kriminologiju.

Radni jezik konferencije je engleski.

Pozivaju se studenti Pravnog fakulteta da pripreme radove i prezentacije do 25. marta 2018. godine i dostave na adresu


Second international student conference ”Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“ organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Montenegro in cooperation with the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor will be held in the period from April 3rd to April 5th at the Faculty of Law, UOM.

During the conference the investigation results by students in the area of security at the local level will be presented.

This important reception of student knowledge will be attended by: Professor Andrej Sotlar, Phd, dean of the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security at the University of Maribor and professor Gorazd Meško, Phd, president of the board of directors at the University of Maribor and president of the association of criminology.

Conference will be held in English.

All the students from the Faculty of Law are invited to prepare works and presentations until March 25th, 2018 and send it to the e-mail address .