
Finansijski program : Bilaterala
Naziv [ENG] : Inactive lifestyle and risky behavior of children and youth
Naziv : Neaktivan životni stil i rizično ponašanje dece i mladih
Početak : 31.07.2018.
Kraj : 31.07.2020.
Skraceni naziv : LSCY
Web site :
Tip projekta : zajednički (joint)
Tematska oblast : Fizičko vaspitanje i sport
Jedinica : Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje
Budzet za jedinicu : 3000
Ukupan budzet : 3000
Rukovodilac : Popović Stevo
Opis : U ranom detinjstvu i na početku školovanja (u predškolskim ustanovama vaspitanja i obrazovanja dece i, donekle, u nižim razredima osnovne škole) porodica ima presudnu ulogu u oblikovanju budućeg životnog stila dece i omladine. Ta uloga postepeno slabi, kako zbog dejstva faktora koji utiču na decu mimo porodice, prvenstveno onih koji se prelamaju kroz odnose u vršnjačkim družinama u školskoj sredini, tako i faktora koji uslovljavaju dinamiku porodičnih odnosa, prvenstveno onih koji deluju na roditelje u vidu pritisaka ekonomske i socio-kulturne prirode. Savremeni problemi koji nastaju kao posledica neaktivnog stila života dece i omladine prema mnogim istraživanjima imaju pozitivnu korelaciju sa nekontrolisanom upotrebom supstanci (alkoholizam, narkomanija, duvan), maloletnička delikvencija, neobuzdana seksualna aktivnost, depresija sa suicidnim ishodima i problemima regularnog pohađanja školskih programa, gojaznošću, itd. Shodno tome, ovaj projekat se i odnosi na ispitivanje stila života dece i omladine na teritoriji Srbije i Crne Gore, analizu radi pronalaženja adekvatnih strategija za aktiviranje faktora koji će doprineti promociji aktivnog životnog stila kod dece i omladine. Epidemija savremenih problema u razvijenim zemljama, pa i zemljama u razvoju (kao što su Srbija i Crna Gora), dovoljan je argument za reakciju i saradnju na različitim nivoima (individualnom, grupnom i društvenom). Sa jedne strane, u zadnjoj deceniji na području Vojvodine, od strane Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, dosta se posvećuje pažnja projektima koji za problematiku imaju utvrđivanje nivoa fizičke aktivnosti dece i omladine i načina korišćenja njihovog slobodnog vremena. Ovakve tendencije doprinele su da postoji dobra i razvijena metodologija za praćenje stila života dece i omladine, kao i baza podataka na osnovu koje se mogu pratiti njegovi trendovi. Sa druge strane, istraživački tim sa Fakulteta za sport i fizičkog vaspitanje iz Nikšića, bavi se već parcijalnim ciljevima posledica neaktivnog stila života ponašanja koji se odnose na problem gojaznosti kod dece. Shodno tome, ovakva saradnja bi omogućila proširivanje već postojećeg projekta na ovom Fakultetu, gde bi se pored postojećeg inventara pitanja, pridodala pitanja zdravstvenog i socijalnog relevantnog ponašanja, kao i pitanja iz inventara fizičke aktivnosti i faktora koji je uslovljavaju. Mnoga istraživanja pokazuju da svojom podrškom i uticajem na ponašanje svoje dece u pogledu fizičkih aktivnosti, roditelji i članovi porodice mogu da doprinesu obrazovanju potreba i navika koje čine osnovu aktivnog stila života dece tokom kasnijeg perioda njihove adolescencije. Istraživanja potvrđuju (Smith et al., 2003; Maksimović i Matić, 2006; Matić i Maksimović, 2007) da se roditeljska podrška nalazi u korelaciji sa višim nivoom fizičke aktivnosti dece. Roditelji su važan faktor oblikovanja odgovarajućeg ponašanja dece u sferi fizičke aktivnosti i pružanja verbalne i materijalne pomoći. Istraživanja potvrđuju da se roditeljska podrška nalazi u korelaciji sa višim nivom fizičke aktivnosti dece (Epstein, 1994; Higgins et al., 2003; Humbert et al., 2006; Sallis, et al., 1992; Sallis, 1998; Sallis et al., 1998; Smith et al., 2003; Vilhjalmsson.

In early childhood and at the beginning of schooling (in pre-school institutions of upbringing and education of children and, to some extent, in the lower grades of primary school), the family has a crucial role in shaping the future lifestyle of children and youth. This role is gradually weakening, both due to the effects of factors that affect children outside the family, primarily those that break through relationships in peer groups in the school environment, and factors that condition the dynamics of family relationships, primarily those that affect parents in the form of economic and economic pressures. socio-cultural in nature. Modern problems that arise as a result of inactive lifestyle of children and youth according to many studies have a positive correlation with uncontrolled use of substances (alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco), juvenile delinquency, unrestrained sexual activity, depression with suicidal outcomes and problems with regular school attendance, school attendance, etc. Accordingly, this project also refers to the examination of the lifestyle of children and youth in the territory of Serbia and Montenegro, analysis in order to find adequate strategies for activating factors that will contribute to the promotion of active lifestyles among children and youth. The epidemic of contemporary problems in developed countries, even in developing countries (such as Serbia and Montenegro), is a sufficient argument for reaction and cooperation at different levels (individual, group and social). On the one hand, in the last decade in the area of ​​Vojvodina, the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of the University of Novi Sad, pays a lot of attention to projects that have the problem of determining the level of physical activity of children and youth and how to use their free time. Such tendencies have contributed to the existence of a good and developed methodology for monitoring the lifestyle of children and youth, as well as a database on the basis of which its trends can be monitored. On the other hand, the research team from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education from Nikšić, is already dealing with partial goals of the consequences of an inactive lifestyle and behaviors related to the problem of obesity in children. Accordingly, such cooperation would enable the expansion of the already existing project at this Faculty, where in addition to the existing inventory of issues, issues of health and socially relevant behavior would be added, as well as issues from the inventory of physical activity and factors that condition it. Many studies show that by supporting and influencing their children's physical activity behavior, parents and family members can contribute to educating the needs and habits that form the basis of children's active lifestyles during the later period of their adolescence. Research confirms (Smith et al., 2003; Maksimović and Matić, 2006; Matić and Maksimović, 2007) that parental support is correlated with a higher level of physical activity in children. Parents are an important factor in shaping children's appropriate behavior in the area of ​​physical activity and providing verbal and material assistance. Research confirms that parental support is correlated with higher levels of physical activity in children (Epstein, 1994; Higgins et al., 2003; Humbert et al., 2006; Sallis, et al., 1992; Sallis, 1998; Sallis et al. , 1998; Smith et al., 2003; Vilhjalmsson.