
Finansijski program : Bilateralni međunarodni
Naziv [ENG] : Treatment of Olive Mill Wastes
Naziv : Tretman otpada iz mlinova za preradu masline
Početak : 01.01.2019.
Kraj : 31.12.2020.
Skraceni naziv : Bilateralna naučno-tehnološka saradnja sa Republikom Austrijom
Web site :
Tip projekta : naučno-istraživacki
Tematska oblast : Prirodne nauke
Jedinica : Biotehnički fakultet
Budzet za jedinicu :
Ukupan budzet : 8000
Rukovodilac : Lazović Biljana
Opis : U ovom projektu istražit će se fizičke i hemijske karakteristike otpadnog materijala i ostataka iz različitih tipova mlinova za preradu masline u Crnoj Gori, degradacija njihovog kapaciteta zagađenja (organsko opterećenje i fenolna jedinjenja) i njihov uticaj na teksturu različitih vrsta zemljišta ili biljaka.

Waste from the olive oil production is a serious environmental problem in the olive oil producer countries. The increasing production capacity and sustainable waste treatment strategies for this organic wastes become an upcoming challenge. In this project, there will be investigated physical and chemical characteristic of waste and residual materials from various types of olive mill facilities operating in Montenegro. There will be a study on degradation of their pollution load (organic load and phenolic compounds) and their effect in the texture of different types of soil or plants.