
Finansijski program : INVO-HERIC
Naziv [ENG] : International certification of maritime education in Montenegro
Naziv : Međunarodna sertifikacija pomorskog obrazovanja u Crnoj Gori
Početak : 01.01.2016.
Kraj : 01.01.2017.
Skraceni naziv : EDUMAR
Web site :
Tip projekta :
Tematska oblast : Obrazovanje
Jedinica : Pomorski fakultet Kotor
Budzet za jedinicu : 54000
Ukupan budzet : 54000
Rukovodilac : Nikolić Danilo
Opis : Glavni cilj projekta je obezbjeđivanje koptetentnih i kvalifikovanih kadrova u oblasti pomorstva kroz sertifikaciju visokoobrazovnih pomorskih institucija u Crnoj Gori u skladu sa zahtjevima Međunarodne pomorske organizacije za obrazovanje i stručno usavršavanje pomoraca.

Overall objective of the project is to provide competent and qualified human resources in maritime sector by certifying maritime higher education in Montenegro according International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations related to education and training of seafarers. The project arose in response to the obligations of Montenegro concerning the ratification and implementation of the latest amendments to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations related to education and training of seafarers. All necessary changes and harmonization aim to meet the prescribed international standards to be carried out by 2017, in order to enable the educational and training systems of Montenegro keep the status of internationally recognized maritime educational and training institutions.