
Finansijski program : Erasmus+
Naziv [ENG] : Strengthening the capacity for change in tourism in the Western Balkans - the construction of competencies for quality management of heritage tourism
Naziv : Strengthening the capacity for change in tourism in the Western Balkans - the construction of competencies for quality management of heritage tourism
Početak : 01.01.2016.
Kraj : 31.12.2019.
Skraceni naziv : CULTURWB
Web site :
Tip projekta : zajednički (joint)
Tematska oblast :
Jedinica : Fakultet za turizam i hotelijerstvo
Budzet za jedinicu :
Ukupan budzet : 795284
Rukovodilac :
Opis : CULTURWB će se raditi na jačanju razvoja industrije kulturnog turizma u Srbiji, Bosni i Hercegovini i Crnoj Gori. Konkretni ciljevi su: - Sprovesti istraživanje na konkretnim slučajevima i potrebnih kompetencija osoblja u industriji kulturnog turizma; - Razviti cjeloživotni program;- Razviti interdisciplinarni MA program koji objedinjuje oblast menadžmenta turizma i kulture i nasleđa osposobljavanjem diplomaca za sticanje potrebnih kvalifikacija za profesionalnu karijeru u upravljanju kulturnim aspektima turizma i baštine; - Povezati turističku industriju između uključenih zemalja koje nisu članice EU i pripremiti svaku zemlju Zapadnog Balkana za integraciju u EU.

CULTURWB will address the need for strenghtening the cultural tourism industry development in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. The concrete objectives are: – Conduct research on instances and required competences of personnel in the cultural tourism industry; – Develop a LLL programme; – Develop an interdisciplinary MA program that integrates the field of tourism and culture and heritage management by training graduates to acquire the necessary qualifications for a professional career in the management of cultural aspects of tourism and heritage; - Connect the tourism industry between the non-EU countries involved and prepare each Western Balkan country for EU integration.