
Finansijski program : HERD
Naziv [ENG] : Programme in Higher Education, Research and Development (HERD) in the Wester Balkans - Energy Sector
Naziv : Programi u visokom obrazovanju, istraživanju i razvoju na zapadnom Balkanu - sektor Energetike
Početak : 01.01.2014.
Kraj : 31.12.2017.
Skraceni naziv : HERD
Web site :
Tip projekta : saradnja (+mobilnost, karijerni razvoj)
Tematska oblast : energtska efikasnost
Jedinica : Mašinski fakultet
Budzet za jedinicu :
Ukupan budzet :
Rukovodilac :
Opis : Ovaj projekt imao je za cilj pridonijeti obrazovanju nacionalne radne snage u zemljama Svjetske banke koja ima adekvatne inovativne kvalifikacije u energetskom sektoru izgradnjom održivih kapaciteta visokoškolskih institucija. Projekt je nastavak i temelji se na rezultatima dobivenim u projektu „Održiva energija i okoliš na zapadnom Balkanu“ koji je nedavno proveden u okviru istog HERD programa.

"This project aims was to contribute to educating a national work force at WB countries that has adequate innovative qualifications in the energy sector by building sustainable capacity of higher education institutions. The project is a continuation and it builds up on results obtained in the project “Sustainable Energy and Environment in the Western Balkans” recently conducted under the same HERD Programme. The project specific objectives are to: • develop and establish three new internationally recognized master study programs for the field of “Sustainable Energy and Environment”, at University of Banja Luka, University of Skopje and University of Montenegro, • establish close cooperation between WB participants for mutual support in achieving better quality of master studies, • increase the quality of the newly established master programs at four WB Universities in order to enable international transparency, recognition of qualifications and international mobility of learners and graduates. The tree new network members will also participate in all quality improvement processes, • contribute to the development of outstanding and innovative master thesis projects that solves problems of industry and public sector in achieving energy and resource efficiency and/or zero emissions, application or research on new materials and new technologies for renewable energy, • increase institutional quality and capacity of the WB Universities in the field of teaching staff improvement, laboratory organization and logistics, networking and supplementing expertise’s to match closer to the Norwegian partners, • establish and support interconnection of the WB Universities with industry and public sector in the WB region. This project aims to contribute to educating a national work force at WB countries that has adequate innovative qualifications in the energy sector by building sustainable capacity of higher education institutions. The project is a continuation and it builds up on results obtained in the project “Sustainable Energy and Environment in the Western Balkans” recently conducted under the same HERD Programme. The project specific objectives are to: • develop and establish three new internationally recognized master study programs for the field of “Sustainable Energy and Environment”, at University of Banja Luka, University of Skopje and University of Montenegro, • establish close cooperation between WB participants for mutual support in achieving better quality of master studies, • increase the quality of the newly established master programs at four WB Universities in order to enable international transparency, recognition of qualifications and international mobility of learners and graduates. The tree new network members will also participate in all quality improvement processes, • contribute to the development of outstanding and innovative master thesis projects that solves problems of industry and public sector in achieving energy and resource efficiency and/or zero emissions, application or research on new materials and new technologies for renewable energy, • increase institutional quality and capacity of the WB Universities in the field of teaching staff improvement, laboratory organization and logistics, networking and supplementing expertise’s to match closer to the Norwegian partners, • establish and support interconnection of the WB Universities with industry and public sector in the WB region. "