
Finansijski program : Erasmus+
Naziv [ENG] : D KOLN04 br. 2020-1-DE01-KA107-005650
Naziv : D KOLN04 br. 2020-1-DE01-KA107-005650
Početak : 01.01.2020.
Kraj : 31.12.2023.
Skraceni naziv : D KOLN04
Web site :
Tip projekta : saradnja (+mobilnost, karijerni razvoj)
Tematska oblast : Tehničke nauke
Jedinica : Mašinski fakultet
Budzet za jedinicu : 147000
Ukupan budzet :
Rukovodilac :
Opis : Projekat ima za cilj da podrži aktivnosti mobilnosti za studente i nastavno osoblje između TH Köln i Univerziteta u Podgorici u Crnoj Gori u okviru postavljanja nove međunarodne saradnje. Glavni ciljevi saradnje su s jedne strane razmjena profesionalnih stručnosti, a s druge strane razvoj i primjena zajedničkih metoda za podršku primijenjenoj nastavi u programima inženjerskih studija obije zemlje. Partneri za saradnju su Fakultet za sisteme vozila i proizvodnju TH Köln iz Njemačke i dva inženjerska fakulteta u Podgorici i Pomorski fakultet iz Kotora.

The applied project aims to support mobility activities for students and teaching staff between the TH Köln and the University of Podgorica in Montenegro within the setting of a new international cooperation. The main objectives of the cooperation are on the one hand the exchange of professional expertise, and on the other hand the development and implementation of shared methods to support applied teaching in the engineering degree programmes of both countries. The co-operation partners participating are the Faculty of Vehicle Systems and Production of the TH Köln from Germany and the two engineering faculties in Podgorica and Kotor from Montenegro.