
Finansijski program : Ministarstvo nauke CG
Naziv [ENG] : Induction motor efficiency improvement through optimal electromagnetic design solutions
Naziv : Unapređenje energetske efikasnosti indukcionog motora optimalnim rešenjem elektromagnetskog dizajna
Početak : 01.04.2019.
Kraj : 01.04.2021.
Skraceni naziv : IMEI
Web site :
Tip projekta : naučno-istraživacki
Tematska oblast : S3 – Energija i održiva životna sredina
Jedinica : Elektrotehnički fakultet
Budzet za jedinicu :
Ukupan budzet :
Rukovodilac :
Opis : Cilj projekta je identifikacija optimalne kombinacije broja žljebova na statoru i rotoru četvoropolnog mrežno napajanog asinhronog motora sa aspekta minimizacije pulsacija elektromagnetskog momenta u ustaljenom stanju.

The main purpose of the research is to determine the optimal stator/rotor slot combination that leads to minimization of additional losses and, therefore, to maximize the efficiency, while also optimizing the machine behaviour in terms of noise and vibration performance. In order to attain the mentioned target, an innovative parameterized numerical model of cage rotor induction motor, already under development by the principal investigator will be refined and adopted for the most commercially interesting four pole, three-phase cage induction motors. The spectral content of the motor output torque, as well as of stator and rotor currents that can be predicted by means of the model will be the main criterion to optimize the slot combination for efficiency improvement.