
Finansijski program : INVO-HERIC
Naziv [ENG] : "Acquiring practical knowledge trough “Virtual enterprise” program and internship in real companies"
Naziv : Sticanje prakticnog znanja kroz virtuelno preduzece - program I praksa u stvarnim kompanijama
Početak : 22.08.2020.
Kraj : 22.08.2020.
Skraceni naziv : PRACTing
Web site :
Tip projekta : jačanje kapaciteta
Tematska oblast : Društvene nauke
Jedinica : Ekonomski fakultet
Budzet za jedinicu :
Ukupan budzet :
Rukovodilac :
Opis : "Projekat ima za osnovni cilj da studentima Ekonomskog fakulteta UCG pruži bolje generisanje i razradu teorijskih znanja kroz rad u virtuelnim kompanijama, a takođe je planirano da studenti jedan broj dana provedu kroz praksu u realnim kompanijama."

"Overall objective of the project is to introduce and implement programs of acquiring practical knowledge, skills and experience for the students of Faculty of Economics. This project will emphasize transferability of theoretical knowledge to the practical level. Namely it is the question that has been stressed out from the students’ point of view as one of the main issues they are struggling with, after finishing their formal education. Therefore, this projects aims towards connection between theory and practice, for the purpose of skills development within young people population."