Pravni fakultet, 25.02.2017

Osnovne informacije - Pravni fakultet


Pravni fakultet u Podgorici osnovan je 25 maja 1972. godine kao nastavno-naučna i obrazovna ustanova u kojoj se organizuje i razvija obrazovni i naučno-istraživački rad u o oblasti pravnih i njima srodnih društvenih nauka. U skupštini Socijalističke Republike Crne Gore, prilikom donošenja Zakona o osnivanju Pravnog fakulteta, istaknuto je da se ,,osnivanje ove visokoškolske Ustanove nameće kao neophodno sa stanovištva ukupnih društvenih potreba Republike''. Pravni fakultet je jedan od utemeljivača Univerziteta Crne Gore.

U svom četredesetpetogišnjem postojanju, Fakultet je izrastao u modernu, savremenu, obrazovnu naučno-istraživačku jedinicu. Na njemu se školovalo 45 generacija. Upisalo se oko 17.000 studenata. Diplomiralo je 4285. Oko 15% studenata bilo je van Crne Gore. Dio najboljih studenata stručno usavršavanje, kroz poslijediplomske studije i doktorate, nastavljalo je u drugim i svijetu poznatim univerzitetskim centrima. Većina bivših studenata životno je vezana za Crnu Goru. Na Fakultetu je radilo 88 nastavnika i saradnika, od čega je 26 bilo gostojućih. Sada uglavnom nastavu izvode i gro kadra predstavljaju bivši studenti fakulteta.

Fakultet organizuje osnovne i poslijediplomske studije. Postoje zakonske i kadrovske mogućnosti za organizovanje specijalističkih i doktorskih studija u svim oblastima prava.

Kao univerziteska jedinica, u okviru Univerziteta Pravni fakultet realizuje znatan dio svojih programskih ciljeva i zadataka i rješava mnoga važna pitanja organizaciono-kadrovske, tehničke i materijalne prirode. Posredstvom Univerziteta, fakultet u velikoj mjeri razvija mrežu svoje međunarodne saradnje.

Fakultet prati svjetske trendove i dostignuća u oblasti visokog školstva s ciljem da sopstvenu djelatnost uskladi sa evropskim i svjetskim zahtjevima. Sa ovom školskom godinom, čine se prvi koraci realizacije Bolonjske deklaracije. Svojim kadrom Fakultet opslužuje kompletan nastavno-obrazovni proces.

Nastao kao izraz potreba dostignutog nivoa u društveno-ekonomskom, političkom, kulturnom i socijalnom razvoju Crne Gore, fakultet je tokom cijelog cvog postojanja dijelio sudbinu crnogorskog društva. Činiće to i u buduće praveći. naravno iskorake u novu praksu i odnose primjenom modernih trendova razvijene Evrope.

Fakultet je sada postao složena organizacija i uparavljačka struktura.


University of Montenegro

Faculty of Law- Podgorica


Faculty of Law was founded on October 27th, 1972 in Podgorica as a scientific and artistic educational institution, in which educational and research work was organized in the area of law and similar social studies. While making into law founding of this institution Assembly of Socialistic Republic of Montenegro highlighted that “Founding this institution of high education is necessary for meeting overall demands of the society of the Republic”. Faculty of Law is one of the founding fathers of the University of Montenegro.

During the forty-five years of its existence Faculty of Law grew to a modern, contemporary, scientific and artistic educational institution. Forty-five generations studied at the faculty. About 17.000 students enrolled at the faculty and 4285 students graduated from the faculty. About 15 percent of the students studied abroad. Part of the best students continued postgraduate and doctoral studies at prominent university centers. Most of the former students stayed in Montenegro due to family ties. 88 professors and associates worked at the faculty, out of whom there were 26 guest professors. Today most of the professors and cadre at the faculty are former students.

Faculty organizes graduate and postgraduate studies. There are teaching and cadre resources for organizing specialist and doctoral studies in all the areas of law.

As a university branch Faculty of Law realizes a big number of its planned aims and tasks and finds soulutions for many important questions of cadre organization, technical and material problems. With the help of the University of Montenegro, faculty largely develops the international coorporation net.

Faculty follows world trends and achievements in the area of high education with the aim to coordinate its work with European and world demands. This year faculty made the first steps in realization of Bologna declaration. There is enough cadre for all the necessary teaching at the faculty.

The faculty was founnded because of an expression of needs for reaching the neccessary standard of socio-economic, political, cultural and social development of Montenegro. During its overall existence faculty shared the fate with Montenegrin society. It will continue to do so by making steps towards implementing new practises and creating new relations, with the help of implementatation of modern European trends .

The faculty is a complex organization and managing institution nowadays.