Fakultet političkih nauka, 29.09.2017



Dr Miomir Maroš rođen je u Kotoru, gdje je završio  Osnovnu školu “Njegoš” i Gimnaziju.  Diplomirao je na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta Crne Gore. Magistrirao je na Fakultetu političkih nauka u Podgorici UCG, na Odsjeku za novinarstvo,  odbranivši magistarski rad ,,Brendiranje crnogorskih medija“ (mentor: prof. dr  Stjepan Malović), te stekao zvanje magistra novinarstva, 2013.  Iste godine upisao je doktorske studije komunikologije na Fakultetu političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Doktorsku tezu “Karakteristike medijskih sadržaja u Crnoj Gori od 1995. do 2015.” uradio je pod mentorstvom prof. dr Fahire Fejzić Čengić i odbranio je 25.09.2017, čime je stekao akademsku titulu doktora komunikoloških nauka.

Miomir Maroš radno iskustvo započeo je 1999. godine, kao urednik-voditelj i autor je brojnih televizijskih serijala i emisija u Radio Televiziji Crne Gore. Urednik je reportažne emisije “Zapis”, koju Javni servis emituje premijerno subotom u 17h, te urednik i voditelj ljetnjeg serijala “Jutro iz gradova”.  Njegov istraživački interes je u domenu medija i komunikacija, kao i etnologije Crne Gore.  Govori i engleski jezik.  Dobitnik je Godišnje nagrade TVCG za reportažu (2005), nagrade “Wild Beauty Award” za promociju turizma Nacionalne turističke organizacije CG  (2008) i Godišnje novinarske nagrade Crne Gore koju mu je dodijelilo Društvo crnogorskih novinara (2010), kao i nagrade Turističke organizacije Podgorice i Glavnog grada za najboljeg novinara u akciji “Biramo najbolje u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu” (2016).  Kao TV autor je, već godinama u kontinuitetu, TV lice u vrhu povjerenja kod gledalaca, po relevantnim istraživanjima javnog mnjenja.

Maroš je autor 20 naučnih radova sa medijskom i sportskom tematikom, objavljenih u Crnoj Gori, Bosni i Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj. Autor je knjiga „Medijsko brendiranje u Crnoj Gori“ (Cetinje 2017) i "Zapisana Crna Gora - reportaže" (Cetinje, 2019). Predavač je novinarskih i komunikoloških predmeta na Fakultetu političkih nauka Podgorica i Fakultetu za sport i fizičko vaspitanje Nikšić  (Univerzitet Crne Gore). Maroš je i predavač komunikoloških predmeta u Upravi za kadrove. Učestvovao je na međunarodnim naučnim konferencijama u Crnoj Gori, Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini, te ostvaruje mobilnost u okviru CEEPUS projekta.

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Miomir Maroš, PhD was born in Kotor where he successfully finished Njegoš Primary School as well as Kotor Grammar School. In 2011 he graduated from the School of Law at the University of Montenegro. Two years later he earned his Master’s Degree in journalism at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Montenegro, Department of Journalism, by defending his thesis entitled Branding of the Media of Montenegro which had been supervised by Professor Stjepan Malović, PhD, and was awarded with the academic title of the Master of Science in Journalism. The same year he enrolled a doctoral programme in communication sciences at the Faculty of political Sciences at the University of Sarajevo and on 25 September 2017 he defended his thesis entitled Characteristics of the Media Content of Montenegro from 1995 to 2015, supervised by Pofessor Fahira Fejzić Čengić, PhD, earning his academic title of the Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Sciences.

Miomir Maroš has been gaining his professional experience ever since 1999 as a TV editor, presenter, host and author of numerous series and programmes at Radio and Television of Montenegro. He is an editor of feature stories entitled Zapis (eng. Coverage), broadcasted by the public service on Saturdays at 5 p.m., as well as editor and presenter of the summer programme entitled Jutro iz gradova  (eng. Cities in the morning). His research interest is mainly oriented towards the media and communication sciences, as well as Montenegro ethnology. He is fluent in English. He has received an Annual Award by Radio and Television of Montenegro for his cover story in 2005, Wild Berry Award for promoting tourism by the National Tourist Oreganisation jn 2008,  Annual Montenegro Journalism Award by the Association of Professional Journalists of Montenegro in 2010, and awards Tourist Organisation by the city of Podgorica and the Capital City for the best journalist of the event Choosing the Best from Tourism and Hospitality Management in 2016. According to the relevant research, as a host and presenter he has been one on the top TV personalities with the viewers.

Maroš is an author of 20 scientific papers on both the media and sports topics, all published in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia. He is also an author of a book entitled medijsko brendiranje u Crnoj Gori (eng. Media Branding in Montenegro), Cetinje 2017. He is also a lecturer for courses Radio and Journalism,  and TV Journalism at the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education in Nikšić, and for courses Digital Journalism and Theories of Mass Communication at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Podgorica (University of Montenegro). Maroš has also been giving lectures on communication courses to the Human Resources Management Authority. He has participated to numerous international conferences in Montenegro, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has participated in CEEPUS mobility as well.

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