Biotehnički fakultet, 11.03.2017

Biografija - Jovanović Miomir


Miomir Jovanović, PhD, is an Full Professor at Biotechnical Faculty-University of Montenegro. Miomir Jovanović is active in research in the areas of economics and agricultural economics as well as in different fields applied researches. He has many years' experience in project-cycle management as well as in capital market institutions. He has carried out numerous specializations in the area in Italy, Israel, China, Slovenia, UK, etc.

Present position:

Full Professor at Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro (main subjects: The Principles of Economy, Agricultural Policy Agricultural marketing).

He has participated in two TEMPUS projects, several bilateral projects and he is currently involved in the first Centre of Excellence established in Montenegro “BIO-ICT” funded by the Montenegrin Ministry of Science and the World Bank.

Years within the company:

26 years at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Key qualifications:

26 years in scientific researching in economics and agricultural economics as well as in different fields of applied researches and analyses long experience in project-cycle management (project identification, preparation, ex-ante evaluation, implementation, monitoring and ex-post evaluation), whereas in many projects as team leader or deputy team-leader.

Experience as national (local) expert on several project conducted by different institutions (Agencies, NGO etc.)12 years of experience in university lecturing


·  TEMPUS - Lifelong learning for sustainable agriculture in Alps-Danube-Adriatic Region (LifeADA) (December 1, 2013 – November 30, 2016)

· TEMPUS - Renewable Energy Studies in Western Balkan Countries – RESI (December 1, 2013 – November 30, 2016)

· TCP/MNE/3201 "Organic agriculture in Montenegro: concerted support for small-scale growers in organic agriculture” (2008 – 2011)

· Centre of Excelence in Bioinformatics (BIO-ICT) funded by the Montenegrin Ministry of Science and World Bank (June 2014 – ongoing)

· Bilateral projects – Cooperation between Croatia and Montenegro and Boznia and Herzegovina on study of agricultural economics (2015 – 2017)



Jovanović, M. M., Kašćelan, L., Joksimović, M., & Kašćelan, V. (2017). Decision tree analysis of wine consumers’ preferences: evidence from an emerging market. British Food Journal, 119(6).

Kašćelan, L., Kašćelan, V., & Jovanović, M. (2015). Hybrid support vector machine rule extraction method for discovering the preferences of stock market investors: Evidence from Montenegro. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 21(4), 503-522.

Jovanović, M., Kašćelan, L., Despotović, A., & Kašćelan, V. (2015). The Impact of Agro-Economic Factors on GHG Emissions: Evidence from European Developing and Advanced Economies. Sustainability, 7(12), 16290-16310.

Kašćelan, L., Kašćelan, V., & Jovanović, M. (2014). Analysis of investors’ preferences in the Montenegro stock market using data mining techniques. Ekonomska istraživanja, 27(1), 463-482.

Jovanovic, M., & Despotovic, A. (2012). THE ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS FOR ORGANIC PRODUCTION IN MONTENEGRO. Economics of Agriculture, 59(2).